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Healthy Weight Loss Doesn’t Have to be Difficult

Louisville Medical Spa Weight Loss


Losing weight the right way isn’t easy. If it was, we’d all be fit and trim. Even people who adhere to a very healthy diet and strict fitness routine have trouble reaching their goals.

It’s okay to need a little help sometimes. That’s exactly why we’re offering the service of medically supervised weight loss through our new Wellness Through Weight Management Program.

Using tried and true techniques tailored specifically to your individual needs, we will work closely with you on your journey to help you reach your weight loss goals and ultimately live a healthier, more fulfilled life.

Spearheaded by owner Erica Chowning, APRN, FNP-C, and Ashley Wilhoite, BSN, RN, the most important aspect of the program we’re proud to include is the life-coaching element to help you stay on track.

We don’t just hand you the necessary tools and send you on your way. We essentially partner with you and offer a warm, nurturing environment in which you’re bound to thrive.

Ashley, herself, brings more than 15 years of nursing experience and both professional and personal knowledge of fitness and nutrition. She also brings extensive experience in the mental health field, which she says will be a valuable tool in helping clients navigate themselves through the often overwhelming task of healthy weight loss.

In fact, she points out that a lot of nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices are mental. When people have the assistance of someone to keep them up to speed and to keep them accountable, just someone to be there with them and work as a team, it truly can be a great benefit.

In addition to the life-coaching and personalized attention aspects, the emphasis is also placed on diet, exercise, supplements, medications, and injections geared toward boosting the body’s metabolic effect. All these elements will be specifically tailored to fit each client’s individual needs. The whole process will begin with a 7-day detox program and include regular weigh-ins and coaching sessions.

Understand that it’s a process, a journey, and a lifestyle change. It’s just not going to be some quick fix, because those usually end in disappointment. It really is about healthy eating, being active, and creating better habits that your future self will thank you for. And we’re going to help you every step of the way.

Before you know it, you’ll be on the way to a healthier, happier, more beautiful you. And we will be your trusted partner from start to finish.

We’re so excited to be accepting appointments for this wonderful program! Together we will create a path with clear expectations. Call us today at (502) 618-0995 to book your appointment and start living your best life!

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